Norfolk, MA- Job #38464
We are excited to announce the start of production of Norfolk Fire Department’s newest addition, a Dry Side Tanker currently in the build processes at the Pierce Manufacturing in Bradenton, FL. Built on a commercial chassis, an IHC HV607, this tanker will surely add to the versitility of the Norfolk fleet to serve their community. Stay tuned for behind-the-scenes looks from the factory floor!
updates from the factory floor!
January 28, 2024: Norfolk FD’s Apparatus just hit the production line! The body was fabricated and now it’s off to paint! Stay tuned!

February 3, 2024: This week the chassis arrived, the pump house structure and fire pump were joined, and the body continued fabrication! Next week the pump house and body may begin the paint process.
February 10, 2024: This week chassis prep began, the pump house finished paint, and the body began paint! Next week the chassis will continue with prep, the pump house may begin final assembly, and the body will finish paint.

February 17, 2024: This week the chassis continued prep, while the body went through painting. Next week the pump house may be mounted and the body should finish paint!
February 24, 2024: This week the chassis continued prep, while the body began to receive trim and wiring harnesses. Next week the pump house should be mounted to the chassis.

March 1, 2024: This week the began final assembly after the pump house and body were mounted. Next week the apparatus will continue final assembly.
March 10, 2024: This week the apparatus continued with final assembly! Next week it will continue with final assembly and installation of option content.

March 15, 2024: This week Norfolk FD’s Dry Side Tanker continued final assembly! Next week it may complete assembly and be released for testing.
March 23, 2024: This week the apparatus continued with final assembly and installation of option content. Next week it may be released for initial and third-party pump testing!

March 29, 2024: Norfolk FD’s new Dry Side Tanker has almost completed production! It will be released for delivery soon!