HGAC Buy offers a variety of emergency service vehicles via competitively bid contracts. We contract with the manufacturers to provide high-quality vehicles for all levels of emergency service needs. Purchasing through HGACBuy allows you to customize vehicles to meet your particular service requirements.
HGAC Buy offers the simplest way to buy. All our contracts have been awarded by virtue of a competitive bid or RFP process in accordance with government purchasing statutes. HGACBuy process includes:
- Conducting products research
- Developing specifications for each product and service
- Encouraging broad vendor participation
- Issuing public bid/proposal notices
- Conducting pre-bid/pre-proposal conferences and response openings
- Evaluating bid/proposal responses
- Issuing vendor contracts awarded by the H-GAC Board of Directors
- Managing vendor contracts

All units of local governments, state governments, state agencies and nonprofits providing governmental services are eligible for HGAC Buy membership if their states have statutes in place allowing participation in other states’ co-ops. Entities eligible for HGAC Buy membership:
- Municipalities, Cities, Counties and State Agencies
- Councils of Government
- Schools, School Districts, Colleges, Universities
- Hospitals, Hospital Districts • Emergency Medical Services and Services Districts
- Volunteer Fire and Rural Fire Departments
- Prevention Districts • Special Law Enforcement Jurisdictions
- Judicial Courts and Districts
- Emergency Communications Districts
- Utility Districts (MUDs, WCIDs, Irrigation)
- Authorities (Airport, Port, River, Water, Toll Road)
- Not-for-Profit Corporations [501(c)3] providing government functions and services
An interlocal contract can be executed at no cost to you. You will find the ILC form on our website under “About Us.” Then secure approval from the appropriate authority in your organization and return the ILC form to HGAC Buy for execution and to receive membership access to the program.
For more information about HGAC Buy and how we can help your government or eligible organization purchase more efficiently, call 1-800-926-0234 , or visit our website at hgacbuy.org.