New Pierce Apparatus for Freeport, ME Fire Department

Freeport, me Fire Department New pierce Apparatus- Job 37599 w/o 30405832

Update March, 25 2023: Since the last report, Freeport’s chassis has been in staging with the lower body modules getting ready for mounting. 

January 22, 2023: This week the cab and the pump house continued the paint process. The body was unavailable for photos. Next week the cab and pump house should finish with paint.

January 14, 2023: This week the cab began the paint process, and the pump house continued the paint process as did the body. Next week the cab, pump house and body should continue with paint.

January 9, 2023: This week Freeport’s pump house continued the paint process as did the body. the cab was unavailable for photos.

Next week: The pump house may be finished with paint process and the cab may continue. 

December 27, 2022: This week Freeport’s cab was fabricated the pump house began the paint process. The body also began the paint process. Next week the cab may begin the paint process and the pump house may finish with paint. The body should continue with paint.    

December 17, 2022: This week the pump house structure was joined with the firepump and the body began the paint process. Next week the pump house may begin the paint process  and the body should continue with paint.    

December 12, 2022

Freeport’s new Pierce apparatus is now in production at the Bradenton, FL facility. This week the body began fabrication. Next week the body should finish with fabrication.    

Photo Album for Freeport, ME Fire Department