Lots of Progress on Westerly Fire Department’s New Pierce Pumper!

Westerly Fire Department, RI- Job #37870

WESTERLY Fire Department’s new apparatus started production this week at the Pierce Manufacturing Facility in Bradenton, Florida. 

Westerly FD's Enforcer™ Features

  • Cab Dimensions: Length 60″, 70″ or 84″ / Width 96″
  • Doors: full height
  • Electrical: Command Zone™
  • Front & Rear Axle Suspension: TAK-4®
  • Seating: 8
  • Alternator: 430 amp
  • Cramp Angle: 50°
  • Engine: Cummins x12
  • Engine Horsepower: 605 hp
  • Front GAWR: 24,000 lb
  • Rear GAWR: 48,000 lb
  • Transmission: Allison 4000 EVS
  • Pump: PUC™
  • Aerial: Snozzle®

updates from the factory floor!

MARCH 4, 2023: The Westerly FD’s new cab and body began the paint process this week. The pump house was staged and ready for paint process which should begin next week. 

MARCH 11, 2023: Westerly’s body continued the paint process and should finish next week. The cab and pump house were unavailable for photos. 

MARCH 25, 2023:  Since the last report, Westerly’s cab began to receive trim and wiring harnesses and may be mounted next week. The chassis frame began initial assembly. The pump house and body were in staging.