New Pierce Pumper for West Gardiner, ME Fire Department

WEST GARDINER, me Fire Department New pierce Apparatus- Job 37378 w/o 30241172

January 27, 2023:

This week West Gardener FD’s new Pierce Pumper began final assembly after the body was mounted. Next week the truck should continue with final assembly and installation of option content.

January 22, 2023:

The West Gardiner FD’s chassis continued with chassis prep and the pump house was in test. The body began to receive trim and wiring harnesses. Next week the chassis should continue with chassis prep and the pump house could be mounted. The body should finish with trim and wiring harnesses.

January 16, 2023:

The West Gardiner FD’s chassis continued with chassis prep and the pump house structure was joined with the fire pump. The body continued the paint process. Next week, the chassis may continue with chassis prep and the pump house may be mounted. The body should finish the paint process.     

January 09, 2023

West Gardiner FD’s chassis continued with prep and the body was fabricated. Next week
the chassis may continue with prep and the body should continue the paint process.  

December 12, 2022

West Gardiner’s new Pierce apparatus is now in production at the Bradenton, FL facility. This week the chassis arrived. Next week the chassis should be in staging.   

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