Wells Fire Department Pierce Pumper

Wells Fire Department- Job 37963 W/o 30591702

Update January 27, 2023: Well’s new Pierce Pumper was released for initial and third-party pump testing. The truck began final product evaluation, and any remaining content will be installed prior to release and customer acceptance.

This will be your last weekly photo report.

January 23, 2023: Well’s new Pierce Pumper began final assembly after the pump house and body were mounted. Next week the truck should continue with final assembly and may be released for initial and third-party pump testing.     

January 9, 2023: Since the last report, the cab was mounted, and the pump house was in staging with the body. Next week the pump house and body could be mounted.

December 19, 2022: The Wells FD’s cab finished the paint process, and the chassis frame began initial assembly. The pump house began final pump assembly, and the body was unavailable for photos. Next week the cab may begin to receive trim and wiring harnesses and the chassis frame should continue with assembly. The pump house should be in staging.