A New Pierce Enforcer for Plymouth, NH!

Plymouth Fire Department, NH- Job #38693

Join us for an exciting journey on the factory floor as we bring you the latest updates on the Pierce Enforcer 1000-gallon pumper, currently being crafted for the Plymouth, NH Fire Department. This powerhouse pumper is outfitted for peak performance with a double-decker hose bed. The upper deck boasts 1000′ of LDH and 400′ of 2.5″ hose, while the lower deck is equipped with a wide selection of preconnected hose lines for rapid response. As the dealership overseeing its journey, we’ll provide weekly glimpses of this remarkable apparatus in the making, from its initial stages at Pierce Manufacturing to its final readiness to serve the Plymouth community. Stay tuned for exclusive photos and progress updates!

Plymouth FD's Pierce Enforcer

updates from the factory floor!

March 23, 2024: Plymouth FD’s Enforcer is now in production! This week the cab began fabrication. Next week it will continue the fabrication process! 

April 6, 2024: This week the cab completed fabrication and started the paint process, while the pump house structure was fabricated. Next week the cab may continue through paint!

April 14, 2024: This week the cab completed fabrication and began the paint process, while the pump house structure was fabricated! Next week the cab may continue through paint. 

April 20, 2024: This week the cab completed the paint process  and the body was fabricated! Next week the cab, body, and pump house structure will be staged to continue their respective processes. 

April 27, 2024: This week the cab and pump house began initial assembly, and the body remained staged to begin the paint process. Next week initial assembly will continue on the cab and pump house, while the body may begin the paint process!

May 4, 2024: This week the cab and pump house completed initial assembly, the frame build began, and the body completed the paint process! Next week the frame build may continue, and the body may begin initial assembly.

May 11, 2024: This week the cab, pump house, and body were installed on the frame while chassis assembly continued! Next week apparatus may complete initial assembly followed by the start of final assembly!

May 18, 2024: This week the apparatus completed initial assembly and began final assembly! Next week final assembly may continue.

May 25, 2024: This week Plymouth FD’s Pierce Enforcer completed final assembly! It has released to testing, which will continue next week. 

June 1, 2024: This week Plymouth, NH Fire Department’s Pierce Enforcer completed testing, followed by the completion of the quality and graphics process! It will now be made ready for the customer acceptance inspection!