Marlborough New Pierce Apparatus Now In Production!

Marlborough Fire Department, MA- Job #39612

Marlborough Fire Department’s new Pierce Enforcer apparatus is officially in production at the Pierce Manufacturing facility in Wisconsin. This 100′ aerial will feature a 2000 GPM Waterous CSU, Control Zone® Side mount pumphouse, and a 300 gallon PAP Notched Poly Water Tank. Follow along for weekly updates as Marlborough’s latest addition is built on the factory floor. 

Marlborough FD's Enforcer Features

  • Cab: 7010 Notched Enforcer 
  • Seating: 5
  • Chassis: Enforcer
  • Body: 100′ Steel Platform Alum
  • Bumper: 19″ Extended Steel Painted
  • Compt, Sides, Front: FH/FD Rollup with right side chute
  • Compt, Sides Rear: (left) FH/FD Rollup and lift-up Rearward – (Right) FH Rollup and Lift-up Rearward
  • Engine: Cummins x12
  • Engine Horsepower: 525 HP
  • Axle, Front (custom): TAK-4® 
  • Front GAWR: 22,800 lb 
  • Rear Axle: Meritor
  • Rear GAWR: 58,000 lb lb 
  • Transmission: Allison 6th gen, 4000 EVS P
  • Pump: 2000 GPM Waterous CSU
  • Pumphouse: Control Zone® Side Mount
  • Water Tank: 300 gallon PAP Notched Poly Water Tank

updates from the factory floor!

May 15, 2023: This week, Marlborough FD’s new cab was fabricated and staged as it will be heading off to paint next week. 

May 22, 2023: The cab began the paint processes with the initial prep for the undercoat primer to make that color shine.

May 29, 2023: In this report your cab was staged to continue through paint while the body began fabrication. 

June 5, 2023: Marlborough’s pump house structure was fabricated this week!

June 10, 2023: The Marlborough cab made progress through paint While the pump house mad its way to initial  assembly.

June 19, 2023: That final undercoat is looking good as the cab continues through paint. We’ll be seeing that shine new red soon! Pump house continued ti make progress through initial assembly.

June 26, 2023: Wow! Marlborough’s cab completed paint this week and looks great! It started initial assembly.  The pump house completed initial assembly and was staged, while the body began the paint process. 

July 29, 2023: Since the last report the cab completed initial assembly, the frame build began,  the body began initial assembly, and the aerial device arrived! In the next report the frame build may continue, and the body will continue initial assembly!

August 12, 2023: This week the torque box and body were installed on the chassis, and final assembly began! Next week the aerial device may begin initial assembly.

August 19, 2023: This week the apparatus completed final assembly! Next week it will go through testing, while the assembly of the aerial device begins!

August 25, 2023: This week the apparatus continued with testing and the aerial device began assembly. Next week assembly of the aerial device will continue. 

September 1, 2023: This week the aerial device completed assembly and was pinned to the apparatus! Aerial testing has begun, and will continue next week.     

September 8, 2023: This week aerial testing was completed! The apparatus was released to general testing. Next week testing may be completed, and the apparatus may be released to quality and graphics.

September 16, 2023: This week the apparatus completed testing and released to quality and graphics where any remaining content will be applied. Marlborough FD’s new Pierce Enforcer is almost complete! Congratulations!